If your new vehicle been in the shop for warranty repairs three or more times for the same problem, or has it been in the shop for repairs for more than twenty days within twelve months of the warranty period, then the short answer is yes, as you may have a claim under the NC Lemon Law.
If you think that you may have bought a lemon, you do not have to put up with the hassle and aggravation of getting the problem resolved, in addition to the problems already created by a vehicle that doesn’t work. It is sometimes confusing, oftentimes frustrating, and always inadvisable to attempt to go it alone against vehicle manufacturers when dealing with a NC lemon law warranty claim, and so we are here to help.
We have helped hundreds of North Carolina consumers just like you. As a local NC Lemon Law firm, we can review your claim to see if you may be able to use the lemon law to get the manufacturer to repurchase or replace your vehicle. You may be entitled to have the manufacturer buy the vehicle back from you or replace it with a comparable new vehicle.
In some cases, if you wish to keep your vehicle, we can negotiate with the manufacturer to receive a partial refund of the purchase price for the lost value caused by the vehicle’s defects. When you are experiencing the hassle of dealing with multiple repairs for a car, you need an advocate on your side who can communicate and negotiate with the manufacturer or dealer on your behalf.